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SKU: 364215376135191

·Provides calming touch and deep pressure input

·For sensory and emotionally sensitive children as soother

·To assist with focus for children who fidget when doing desktop work, there are a variety of different textures which they can explore with, the products provide tactile and deep pressure input.

·For children who struggle to stay seated in their chair or move during desktop, easily become overactive or overexcited, the product can be used as part of calming them.

·In young children who do not respond to blanket however struggle with sleep

·Weighted Lapbuddies are a remedial teacher or an OT who requires doing visual perceptual therapy best friend.

·Weighted Lapbuddies should be used for at least 30 minutes at a time before the child has a break. It can be used for the full duration of concentration work/ desktop work

·Weighted Lapbuddies can be your child’s cuddle toy when going to bed, simply apply the toy over their back or stomach when putting them to sleep.

·Weighted Lapbuddies are great for getting a child to stay centred and sit still during circle time at school.

    PriceFrom R210,00
    VAT Included
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